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This isn't your everyday insurance blog. This insurance blog offers tips about insurance situations/coverage and a host of other real world business situations. Also, their are local experts that write guest blogs. If there is a subject you'd like to hear about, just ask!
Fall Rain in Texas

Fall Rain in Texas

As autumn rolls in across Texas, homeowners experience a shift in weather patterns, often marked by increased rainfall. While the rain can bring much-needed relief to the scorching summer heat, it can also lead to various challenges, including flooding and property...

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Performance Bonds

Performance Bonds

What are Performance Bonds?: In the most simple of terms, performance bonds are a guarantee that a contractor will finisht the job according to the standards agreed upon. If you don't complete the job as described, the obligee (typically a municipality or government...

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Cryptocurrency Insurance Coverage

Cryptocurrency Insurance Coverage

So you've made the investment into cryptocurrency. Congrats! Now the question is "how do you keep it safe?"   Let's be honest, since it's a digital product it's almost impossible to keep it form getting hacked. But there are something you can do to keep it away...

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What Does Flood Insurance Cover?

What Does Flood Insurance Cover?

What does flood insurance cover? Usually when I get asked this question, I answer it with a question. And usually that question is "Why? What happened?" Sometimes it's just a "Oh nothing. I'm just wondering" (It's never a "just wondering" situation) The short answer...

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Building Sprinkler System Saves $28,000/year

Building Sprinkler System Saves $28,000/year

The following is a true story. Everyone loves a good discount. There are some people that won't purchase anything unless there is a discount attached to what they are buying. It kind of makes sense. Who wants to pay more than they have to for anything? This story is...

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Why Do I Need Liquor Liability Insurance?

Why Do I Need Liquor Liability Insurance?

  Liquor Liability coverage can be confusing enough before you even get into the nuts an bolts. The very name itself ,Liquor Liability, may suggest to someone that it's only needed if their business offers liquor. The truth is, any business that makes, sells,...

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How to Better Manage Your Time

How to Better Manage Your Time

Let's be honest, effective time management seems harder than stopping a Mack Truck, with no brakes, going down hill. It's one of those things that we all try, or "try" in some cases, to get better at but don't seem to make any headway. Seriously, who wants to be the...

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Do I Need Insurance If My Subcontractors Are Insured?

Do I Need Insurance If My Subcontractors Are Insured?

  This is, by far, the number one situation that we come across. You own a business that subcontracts all of the work out. Great! That is a great business model that works for many companies. Your next question is about insurance. How much do you need, if you...

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What Happens If I File A Claim?

What Happens If I File A Claim?

    Insurance, of any sort, is one of those things that you have, pray you never use it but are glad that it's there when needed. But how do you know when to file a claim? Will the insurance claim increase your rates? Can the insurance company cancel your...

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Flower Mound, TX 75022

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